Category: 225

BOOK REVIEW: Sarah Bakewell’s HUMANLY POSSIBLE: Seven Hundred Years of Humanist Freethinking and Hope

BOOK REVIEW: Sarah Bakewell’s HUMANLY POSSIBLE: Seven Hundred Years of Humanist Freethinking and Hope

Reviewing a new study of humanist thought and humanist lives from the 14th to the 20th centuries, in a book which appeals equally to those familiar with the historical context and those seek [...]
A Post-Truth World?

A Post-Truth World?

“How do we know?” is a perennial epistemological question. The answer is becoming more difficult with the advent of social media which helps to create misinformation, disinformation and epi [...]
Truth and Lie in the Post-Truth World

Truth and Lie in the Post-Truth World

Nietzsche’s lifelong thought predicted that this endless relativism would dawn upon the world of the future. He declared that humanity would end up in “nihilism,” a condition in which there [...]
Truth and Lies

Truth and Lies

The flaw in Enlightenment thought was to erect an intellectual hierarchy that could explain many phenomena, but which found itself inadequate to comprehend the realm of the traditional, the [...]
Down a Blind Alley with the Freedom Convoy

Down a Blind Alley with the Freedom Convoy

The breath-taking inanity of the “Freedom Convoy” and the anti-vax movement is exposed in this piercing article by Ben D’Andrea. Are there no limits to this madness, based on misinformation [...]
Democracy, Truth and the New Conspiracists

Democracy, Truth and the New Conspiracists

Is truth central to democracy? Janet Keeping explains why the two cannot be separated, and how anti-democratic forces are threatening this interdependence by spreading lies. [...]
Lying and Common Sense

Lying and Common Sense

Is lying always wrong? A consequentialist argues that Kant’s prohibition against lying must at times be set aside when the consequences of the truth are too dire. [...]
Happy Girl: The Latimer Dialogues 4

Happy Girl: The Latimer Dialogues 4

The summations following are addressed to the jury – the audience. The lights come on the audience to denote their presence. Light comes on Brayford. Both Brayford and Neufeld read from note [...]
Golf as Spiritual Ordeal

Golf as Spiritual Ordeal

Golf, is it about relaxation? You may change our mind after reading Ian Johnston’s article. [...]


Welcome to Humanist Perspectives Humanist Perspectives is the only English language Humanist Magazine published in Canada and is operated as a not-for-profit charity. Your donations w [...]
Empowering Yourself Against Misinformation, Disinformation, and Conspiracy Theories

Empowering Yourself Against Misinformation, Disinformation, and Conspiracy Theories

There has never been a time in history when we have seen such a proliferation of false information in the form of misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. But why? And why no [...]


Does Institutionalized lying desensitise us to the rampant dishonesty that characterizes our political world today?? [...]
12 / 12 POSTS