Author: Trudy Govier
Trudy Govier is a Canadian philosopher and Professor Emerita of the University of Lethbridge. Her many books and articles include A Practical Study of Argument, Forgiveness and Revenge, and Taking Wrongs Seriously.
Recovering from a Politics of Hate
Hatred is a feeling of intense hostility. But it is not merely a feeling, not merely a sensation inside an individual mind or brain. If hatred stayed inside it would not be as dangerous as i [...]
Moral Equivalence?
The conclusion is stated modestly here; one could say “shameful” or “outrageous”. For critics on both sides, the point is: wrong. And at its core the argument is the same. [...]
A Post-Truth World?
“How do we know?” is a perennial epistemological question. The answer is becoming more difficult with the advent of social media which helps to create misinformation, disinformation and epi [...]
Cosmic Patriotism
Is the salvation of humanity to be found in moving to Mars? Not very likely. Instead, we must focus our efforts on the possible, such as better care and protection of Earth, the only home [...]
The Grizzly Trophy – a dialogue
Is there any any justification for the so-called sport of big game trophy hunting? Philosopher Trudy Govier examines the arguments in dialogue form. [...]
Military Defeat and the Smashing of Ideas
We like to think that pernicious ideologies can be defeated by the use of military force. We thought that Nazism was finished off after 1945. We thought that antisemitism could not persist a [...]
Thinking Free Will is Important
. . . freedom is not the only value …There are other values: life; wellbeing; health, compassion, fairness, justice, equity, truth, consistency….Which values should prevail? [...]
Identity and Identity Politics
While at present there may seem to be a strong analogy between transsexualism and transracialism, these phenomena are treated very differently in contemporary culture. Self-identification is [...]
Believing Women
We want to believe women who make claims about being abused by more powerful men, but the notion of always doing so is philosophically problematic. [...]
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