Dr Pat Duffy Hutcheon, a sociologist, clarifies the nature and origin of evolutionary naturalism as a necessary component of modern humanism. Her latest book presents the ideas of some of the most prominent thinkers who have contributed to the evolving philosophy of humanism over the centuries. This is the naturalistic view of human existence, in contrast to the supernatural.
In these essays, Pat Duffy Hutcheon has clearly undertaken to prepare for intelligent adults what is effectively a course of study of the core of humanism.
— Paul R Gross, University Professor of Life Sciences Emeritus, University of Virginia
A much needed and most welcome resource for any thoughtful person who wants to better appreciate the naturalistic view of human existence rather than the supernatural or mystical approaches that so regrettably dominate the current scene.
— Theo Meijer, Past President, British Columbia Humanist Association
If this book could be read by all college students – and a good many teachers – it would make up for some of the sad deficit in what currently passes for education.
— Robin Fox, University Professor of Social Theory , Rutgers University