Category: 224
Patterns of evolving civilizations in history and in our times
What is a civilization? According to Wikipedia, it’s a complex society with “urban areas, shared methods of communication, administrative infrastructure, and division of labor.” [...]
On trees feeling pain: Anthropomorphism run amok
While there are good reasons to attribute certain human characteristics to trees, it is absurd to attribute to them such characteristics as sentience and self-awareness. Such misdirection d [...]
Humanist Perspectives Short Submission Contest 224
We invite you to share your humanist views with us in a paragraph or two (MAX 1000 chars) on one of the following subjects reflected by these 3 images. [...]
Vaccine Suspicions and the Ancient Gods
The absurdity and anti-scientific arguments generated by anti-vaxxers (even in the previous history of this magazine) can be better understood by examining similar movements in previous gen [...]
Globalization and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
A common estimate is that the global population increases by about 80 million persons annually. [...]
Ninety Seconds to Midnight
As Albert Schweitzer said, “Man has the lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end up destroying the earth.” After years of emphasis on science and technology, we are closer [...]
Happy Girl: The Latimer Dialogues 3
As Latimer’s trial proceeds, his wife, Laura, takes the stand.. The Prosecutor’s questioning of Laura seems, to some, insensitive and cruel [...]
Why is there so little apparent interest in an energy source which could be relatively inexpensive, inexhaustible, and safe? Geothermal energy seems likely to be an energy source in the fut [...]
Is Humanism Compatible with Indigeneity?
In this essay I argue that humanism is perfectly compatible with aboriginality; however, its compatibility with “indigeneity” will depend on the meaning assigned to the word. [...]
EDITORIAL: REFLECTIONS OF A HUMANIST– Modern Humanism and the Environment
Humanists are natural allies of the environmental movement, not believing that we will be bailed out of our follies by a supernatural power. Humanists believe that we must save ourselves an [...]
Belief and Eco-Humanism
Although this article was written 16 years ago, it remains – sadly – very relevant today. Progress can, perhaps, be seen in some areas but clearly our response is too little and too slow. [...]
Cosmic Patriotism
Is the salvation of humanity to be found in moving to Mars? Not very likely. Instead, we must focus our efforts on the possible, such as better care and protection of Earth, the only home [...]
Welcome to Humanist Perspectives
Humanist Perspectives is the only English language Humanist Magazine published in Canada and is operated as a not-for-profit charity. Your donations w [...]
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