[setissue inum=”220″ iseason=”Spring 2022″ icover=”/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/220.jpg” iname=”The Freedom Conundrum” ilink=”/issue220/”]
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Humanist Perspectives is the only English language Humanist Magazine published in Canada and is operated as a not-for-profit charity. Your donations will help our dedicated team of writers, editors and service providers to continue publishing this rational perspective on both topical and timeless issues. Tax receipts are provided.
In the News... / Gary Bauslaugh
Social distancing, masks, vaccines, control of the pandemic, saving lives – these are all for chumps. The important thing is my personal freedom from government interference in my life. Next, let’s go after driving laws that insist, for example, that we stop for red lights. And why should we be...Editorial: When Principles are in Conflict / Gary Bauslaugh
Simply “acting on principle” is not good enough. Simply demanding “freedom” is not good enough. It is not even good.A Few Quotes on FREEDOM / Gary Bauslaugh
Freedom, generally, is having the ability to act or change without constraint. Something is "free" if it can change easily and is not constrained in its present state. ~Wikipedia, June 2021Thinking Free Will is Important / Trudy Govier
. . . freedom is not the only value …There are other values: life; wellbeing; health, compassion, fairness, justice, equity, truth, consistency….Which values should prevail?Freedom and Civic Responsibility / Janet Keeping
Is it our civic responsibility to get vaccinated? Is it true that, as is often claimed, that vaccine mandates are unconstitutional? Does the arc of the moral universe bend toward justice?On Hobbes, Virtue Ethics, and Liberty / Ian Johnston
Thomas Hobbes revolutionized our thinking about politics by challenging the long tradition of virtue politics and by offering a new blueprint for the modern state.Free Will and Neuroscience / Dale Beyerstein
Neuroscientific experiments seem to provide evidence that questions long held beliefs in free will. Dale Beyerstein argues against this interpretation of the experimental results .Vaccination and the Freedom to Choose / Katharine Browne
What is the argument against vaccine mandates? Katharine Browne argues that right to bodily autonomy trumps, in this case at least, concern for public safety.Canoe Trip—the Freedom of Self Reliance / Terry Rapoch
Terry Rapoch remembers the exhilarating freedom he felt as a young man on a wilderness trip - the freedom that comes from a recognition of his own abilities to survive. Then the constraints of urban life close in upon him.The Rights of Trees / Carol Matthews
How can we better protect our precious forests? Carol Matthew writes about the importance of our ancient trees and questions our right to cut them down. She tells about the “Wildwood Ecoforest” on Vancouver Island, one man’s attempt to preserve old forests.Freedom, High-day. High-day, Freedom! The Idea of Freedom in Shakespeare’s The Tempest / Gwyneth Evans
While many characters yearn for freedom from obedience to authority, and from obligations and the needs of others, in The Tempest freedom must be earned and deserved, and involves acceptance of responsibility.Letters to the Editor-220 / Gary Bauslaugh
Letters to the Editor, feedback to Humanist PerspectivesHumanist Perspectives Short Submission Contest 220 / HP
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