HP Book Reviews

Humanist Perspectives Submissions

I would rename SBMIT CONTENT to SUBMIT ARTICLES, remove the reference to poetry, remove the link from ABOUT and put a link to it on the main page in a section underneath the list of current articles, along with links to “Submit Poetry” and “Request or Offer Book Reviews” The section heading could be “Submissions”. Alternately or as well, you could add a new tab called SUBMISSIONS.
I would rename SUBMIT CONTENT to SUBMIT ARTICLES, remove the reference to poetry, remove the link from ABOUT and put a link to it on the main page in a section underneath the list of current articles, along with links to “Submit Poetry” and “Request or Offer Book Reviews” The section heading could be “Submissions”. Alternately or as well, you could add a new tab called SUBMISSIONS.
I would rename SUBMIT CONTENT to SUBMIT ARTICLES, remove the reference to poetry, remove the link from ABOUT and put a link to it on the main page in a section underneath the list of current articles, along with links to “Submit Poetry” and “Request or Offer Book Reviews” The section heading could be “Submissions”. Alternately or as well, you could add a new tab called SUBMISSIONS.
I would rename SUBMIT CONTENT to SUBMIT ARTICLES, remove the reference to poetry, remove the link from ABOUT and put a link to it on the main page in a section underneath the list of current articles, along with links to “Submit Poetry” and “Request or Offer Book Reviews” The section heading could be “Submissions”. Alternately or as well, you could add a new tab called SUBMISSIONS.

Submit book reviews

When books are available for review, they will appear here.

We are requesting one-time publication rights only and all other rights remain yours. We will accept previously published works, but please inform us if that is the case so that we may give credit to the original publisher.

Please send your book review submissions with the following form.

Esther Coalter, Book Review Editor.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.