
#229: Poetry by Beissel

Welcome to our new poetry section!

Welcome to our new poetry section!

Welcome to the HP Poetry Corner.

Please enjoy these two poems written by our former editor, award winning Canadian poet, playwright and author, Henry Beissel.

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These two poems are from Henry Beissel’s unpublished suite entitled Translyrical Reflexions.


to dawn
open its eyes
and watch hordes
of luminous horses
carry tunes up over
the brim of the horizon
till the silent night bursts into song.

Listen carefully—
discordance in one ear,
harmony in the other—till you
find your own voice, your own tuneful
melody and sing it with all your heart.

That melody is
who you are, though
in the celebration of all
the mornings of the world
you can hear yourself only
when you listen
to dawn
open its

Birth Frees Us

Birth frees us
from the silent darkness
of eternity
to confine us
to the noisy spectacles
in the rich garden
of our senses
where word and colour
are insurmountable fences
barring our path
to the truth
we seek
in being