t is the supreme duty of all citizens and the Canadian leadershipto seek to protect Canadafrom the preventable evilsof tribalization and en-vironmental degradationemanating from misguid-ed laws on citizenship andimmigration which havebeen enacted based onideologies. Citizenship,immigration, and refugeeprotection laws shouldnot be shaped by the de-sires of those who aresearching for “greatness”on the international stageand at the glittering gatherings of their cliques of global elites. Those who repeat the cliché that “Canada is a nation of immigrants,” do not seem to realize that 100+ years have passed since the time when Canada was sparsely populated and in need of waves of immigrants, generally from Europe, whose contribution was essential to the development of the economy of Canada’s west.
In May, 1947, in a major speech on the federal Liberal government’s postwar immigration policy, then Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King made it clear that “Canada would continue to be selective regarding which immigrants it permitted into the country....It isnot a ‘fundamental human right’ of any alien to enter Canada. It is a privilege.” Mr. King’s observation of the time, stripped of any racial or ethnic overtones, is even more valid today in a world burdened by a human population ten times the capacity of the Earth to support and when many economically advanced countries are in danger of being overrun by uncontrolled waves of economic migrants and climate refugees, and at a time when “birth tourism” and “chainimmigration” have become the common practice. A land with open borders is not a country or nation; it is an unorganized territory wide open to the masses of humanity who choose to roam through or settle in just as the Eurasian plains were invaded and settled by the tribes of the Caucasus and Central Asia that had exceeded the capacity of their original homelands to sustain their living due to overpopulation.
Hence the following recommendations for reform of Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration and Refugee Protection laws:
3 (1) Subject to this Act, a person is a citizen if :
- the person was born in Canada after February 14, 1977, and at the time of his birth his birth mother was a Canadian citizen;
All immigration and refugee applicants and family reunification and sponsored applicants must be selected strictly on the basis of the individual merit system in effect at the time of their application. However, applicants who are sponsored by Canadian citizens or corporations, family reunification applicants, and refugee claimants will have their application moved forward for expedited assessment.
To implement the above recommendations, the Canadian Government must withdraw from certain international conventions that no longer reflect the realities of a drastically changed world in the interest of protecting the Canadian society from being burdened by unqualified immigrants who would prove a serious burden on Canadian society and the environment.
Under drastically altered global circumstances, Canadian politicians can no longer sustain the illusion of being the “Saviours of the World.”
Currently the global population increases at the rate of some 80 million annually. With dramatic climate changes predicted by credible scientific data, the world can expect some 2 billion climate refugees in the next 20 years. The federal government’s current proposal to significantly increase immigration intake is profoundly misguided and ensures degradation of life and the natural environment in Canada.
The population pyramid cannot be constantly enlarged at the bottom, based on the ill-conceived assumption that there always has to be a larger ratio of young working people to support the older population at the higher strata of thepopulation pyramid. To design immigration and citizenship policy based on such an assumption would be to lock Canada into the destructive logic of a rapidly increasing population with the consequent results of crowded cities, resource depletion, polluted environment and, ultimately, ecological collapse and social disintegration.
A sound immigration policy would require the admissionofnomorethan0.004%ofCanada’s current population from among qualified immigration applicants annually, to a maximum of 144,000 selected strictly on the basis of their ability to meaningfully contribute to Canadian society socially and economically. In light of the current birthrate of 1.6 children per woman in Canada, such a rate of immigration will ensure that Canada’s current population of some 36 million will remain stable in the foreseeable future.