** Humanist Perspectives: issue 207, Winter 2018-2019

Humanist Perspectives: issue 207, Winter 2018-2019

Issue 207, Winter 2018-2019

cover of issue 207
Humanist Perspectives is a refreshing, rational analysis of modern events and culture and is available at select magazine stores or by online subscription.
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Inside Front Cover

Nihilism Grips the World: Thanks, Evangelicals! by Gary Bauslaugh
The Evangelical movement in the United States has a lot to answer for in its unconscionable support for a President with no moral centre. Faustian bargains never turn out well.

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Free speech and its discontents by Gary Bauslaugh
Free speech is complicated; this issue of Humanist Perspectives attempts to illuminate some aspects of the matter.

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Speaking truth to power in King Lear by Gwyneth Evans
Freedom of speech is a theme throughout this play. We contradict the powerful only at our peril.

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Experience as property? by Trudy Govier
The problem of cultural appropriation is explored in this dialogue. When is it acceptable to adopt the voice and stories of another culture?

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John Stuart Mill and campus free-speech debates by Clifford Orwin
What would Mill think about the attempts on many college and university campuses to suppress certain speakers?

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Reframing the free-speech debate by Ian Bushfield
In rationalist circles, the thinking is that while we are right to be concerned about the current and widespread assault on free speech, we should really be afraid of the so-called justice warriors.

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Freedom of speech is a luxury we can ill afford by ffinlo Costain
Our speech is filtered in many ways. To simply say what we think would render us ineffective not only in our private lives but also in the larger external world of commerce and politics.

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Free-speech and propaganda by James Alcock
As Benjamin Franklin said, without free speech there can be no true liberty. We must guard against threats to our freedom while at the same time remembering that lies and propaganda are instruments that can enslave us.

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The Last Word by Carol Matthews
index-matthewsSpeech is how we communicate, connect and collaborate. It must be treated with care and respect.

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In addition, Humanist Perspectives offers a lively Letters-to-the-Editor section as well as Book Reviews, books available for review and snippets of international news of interest to humanists.