Humanist Perspectives: issue 186, Autumn 2013
Issue 186, Autumn 2013
Humanist Perspectives is a refreshing, rational analysis of modern events and culture and is available at select magazine stores or by online subscription.
- When Critical Thinking Gets Under Our Skin
It is as important for us to challenge secular dogmas as it is to challenge religious dogmas. Consider the case of Chris diCarlo...
Read editorial online
- A Tribute to Henry Morgentaler
- Dr. Henry Morgentaler, quite possibly the most controversial public figure in Canada, died of a heart attack on May 29 at the age of 90...
- Henry Morgentaler: The Man, the Hero, and His Legacy
Henry Morgentaler was often a prodigious news maker and the end of his life was no exception...
Read article online - Atheophobia Hysteria?
- Has slander against atheism, long heard from religion, been lurking within secular ranks?
- Seeking an Ecological Rescue: Do We Need a Spiritual Awakening—or a Scientific Understanding?
“[S]cience is a methodology that can enable all cultures, including Aboriginal peoples, to understand the material world, and that isolation from it results in ignorance and confusion. Aboriginal peoples’ opposition to science, in fact, leaves them open to manipulation from the very interests that are benefiting from their current vulnerability.” — Frances Widdowson and Albert Howard
Read article online - Rethinking the Cult of Multiculturalism
...newcomers are informed that men and women have the same value, that women can do all sorts of things such as driving a car and dressing as they wish, and that killing women in public, beating or burning them alive are not acceptable...
Read article online - Darkness in Academia: The Shadow of Stalin
Since the publication of Edward O. Wilson’s Sociobiology, the cultural determinists have been on the war path against sociobiology and its successor, evolutionary psychology...
Read article online - Evolution of Islam
- Muhammad began his career simply as a preacher of religious ideas. But his uncompromising monotheism cut directly against the entrenched polytheism of the Quraysh...
- Canadian Perspective on the US Financial Crisis (Part 2 of 2)
- Mark Carney and the Bank of Canada responded to the US credit crisis by radically lowering interest rates as a way to stimulate Canadian borrowing and consumer spending...
- In addition, Humanist Perspectives offers a lively "Letters-to-the-Editor" section as well as "Book Reviews", books available for review and snippets of international news of interest to humanists.