Tag: newsletter

1 2 3 8 15 / 114 POSTS
#230: Poetry by Lundahl

#230: Poetry by Lundahl

Poetry with humanist tendencies! [...]
Your Precious Life is Worth an Effort

Your Precious Life is Worth an Effort

I happened to get embroiled in a dispute on the hottest topic of the day – vaccination. It had been so comfortable to consider the issue self-explanatory: vaccination is unique in its effica [...]
Putin’s War in Ukraine – The stories of survivors

Putin’s War in Ukraine – The stories of survivors

War Correspondent Scott Jacobsen travelled to the war-torn country of Ukraine for a second time to provide firsthand reports on the war and its impact on Ukrainians. In this report, he inter [...]
New Agers on Darwin: All You Need Is Love

New Agers on Darwin: All You Need Is Love

From here they make a giant leap of faith and hypothesize that the lesson of natural selection is really one of peaceful coexistence, not competitive struggle. Thus, they will perform a mora [...]
The Competition between Religious and Secular Countries

The Competition between Religious and Secular Countries

Do religions, especially when propagated by religious politicians, fulfill the typical promises that religions make : that the country will be more peaceful, that life will be better through [...]
Humanist Peace School – Interview with Nasser Yousefi

Humanist Peace School – Interview with Nasser Yousefi

With the help of a United Nations agency, Nasser Yousefi established a school for children in his native Iran 20 years ago... unaccredited... He has recently been accredited by the Ontario g [...]
Humanistic Education: A Unique Alternative to Non-Creative Education

Humanistic Education: A Unique Alternative to Non-Creative Education

Behavioral schools define a predetermined path and process for education, where all students are required to follow the same route without considering their individual differences. In these [...]
Structural Hate: Institutions that divide, destroy, and allow hate to flourish

Structural Hate: Institutions that divide, destroy, and allow hate to flourish

Dualities pervade human existence. There are several key concepts in human life that arise in pairs within our experience and are defined in terms of one another: truth/falsehood, beauty/ug [...]
Recovering from a Politics of Hate

Recovering from a Politics of Hate

Hatred is a feeling of intense hostility. But it is not merely a feeling, not merely a sensation inside an individual mind or brain. If hatred stayed inside it would not be as dangerous as i [...]


Hate-based politics feeds on accounts of victim-hood and superiority. It instills the belief that the identity or well-being of one group is under threat from another. [...]
Vengeance, the Driving Force in War and Terrorism

Vengeance, the Driving Force in War and Terrorism

Without the destructive emotions that fuel violence, however, war and terrorism would end. Their essence may actually be hatred or the perennial thirst for revenge. [...]
The Insidious Reason We Still Cut Boys

The Insidious Reason We Still Cut Boys

If your excited neighbor came home from the hospital with his newborn son and you noticed that the child’s earlobes had been cut off, you’d be alarmed, and you would likely call the police.. [...]
Moral Equivalence?

Moral Equivalence?

The conclusion is stated modestly here; one could say “shameful” or “outrageous”. For critics on both sides, the point is: wrong. And at its core the argument is the same. [...]
Church and State in the 21st Century: A Story of Human Evolutionary Growth

Church and State in the 21st Century: A Story of Human Evolutionary Growth

Government is a necessary feature of all complex societies. It must regulate and coordinate a multiplicity of diverse economic, political, public health, cultural, and moral activities... [...]
#229: Poetry by Beissel

#229: Poetry by Beissel

Welcome to our new poetry section! [...]
1 2 3 8 15 / 114 POSTS