
Humanist Perspectives Short Submission Contest 224

We invite you to share your humanist views with us in a paragraph or two (MAX 1000 chars) on one of the following subjects reflected by these 3 images.

We invite you to share your humanist views with us in a paragraph or two (MAX 1000 chars) on one of the following subjects reflected by these 3 images.

There are few issues these days that would suffer for more honest, objective discussion. In our new section, we invite you to share your humanism with us in a paragraph or two. We’ll look at different topics in future issues, but for the upcoming one we’re focussing on three subjects that might have turned you on to humanism. After choosing one of our featured subjects, you can submit up to 1000 characters on your selected theme. Chosen submissions will appear in a coming issue.

Please use the form below to submit your ideas.




Why are you a humanist?  COMMENT ON ONE OF THESE SUBJECTS!

Note: We reserve the right to use your submission in future issues.